How Travel Evolves You into A Better Human Being!!
The purpose of my blog is not to prompt you to travel during the COVID-19 epidemic. But, my blog highlights the benefits of traveling and how travel can evolve you into a better Human Being.
I have been a Salesman by profession for almost 13 years now. I have traveled across the country, almost all states either for work or pleasure. A trip a month helped me to rejuvenate myself and by the time my trip used to end I was badly missing my family. But, then I compared my travels vis-a-vis sitting at home for a month. I realized I was getting saturated and life started to become monotonous.
My Personal Experience as A Traveller!
We all need our body and mind to be energised and that’s what keeps us going. That’s what travel does to me. It boosts my energy level, I become a good planner, I value time and money more. In a way, I became more organised. Since time and money are involved I start to analyse what more I can do on each trip.
It’s a wonderful opportunity for You to meet people from different regions; be it within the Country or outside. You can create wonderful memories and stories while visiting different places. Travel can turn you into a better human being and a good storyteller.
You can introspect your own thoughts and actions. This gives you an idea to look at the world from a different perspective. Travel teaches you to be humble and appreciates small things in life as when you are all alone amidst nature, you manage with whatever little resources you have.
Activities to Do While Travelling
- Each place across the globe is known for its specialty. It could be food, clothes, handicrafts, music, etc. As you are planning to travel to a new place read about that place. Gather such information and make sure you try out interesting things at these places.
- If it’s a totally new place try using an authorised Guide who can show you around and tell you more important things about that place. These are worth noting and sharing.
- Try Photography! For travel Photographers going to different places is the nature of business. The more you travel, the more you come across different subjects to capture and better chances of creating your portfolio to win new assignments.
- Make a documentary of places which are in the news for exceptional work or visit places which have some interesting stories to tell.
- If you like shooting videos, try vlogging. It is such an effective way of promoting stuff and telling people about different places as you travel around.
- Use social media effectively. It can help you earn a name for yourself through your work. Social media in fact nowadays is a very effective medium to do research about your travel plans. Related to this, I like this blog and you too might want to check-out.
- Or it could just be about how to organise your travel and be a smart traveler. Share those important tips and tricks so that one’s travel can be safe and secure.
- I still remember when I was a kid, my father used to buy postcards from the places we visited and he used to send them to his friends and relatives. We have almost stopped doing that today due to the availability of digital platforms. But, trust me that’s such a sweet remembrance of the places you visit and it’s a way to tell your loved ones you missed them while being there.
- You can write travel reviews for Companies or it could be a blog like this and You may choose to be a Google Local Guide. I’m a Level 6 Google Local Guide and I keep sharing my travel information & photos here.
I would like to mention here an anonymous quote, “ We Travel Not To Escape Life, But for Life Not To Escape Us.”
There’s so much to do while you are traveling. And, trust me this experience is worth your lifetime. What’s there in a mundane lifestyle? I’m a firm believer in the fact that an emotionally balanced person is a boon for society and his country. A person with a positive frame of mind has so much to contribute to this society.
Travel is also a form of Meditation. It helps you to foresee things in a better perspective and gain a lot of wonderful life experiences. Just pack your bags and move to a new place you have never been to. It’s a beautiful world out there waiting for us to explore!!
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